The development of LED lighting is one of the great innovations which help to build a greener future. Though it is widely used for residential and commercial purposes for saving electricity and getting a cleaner lighting solution, many of us don’t know how it works. You have to first know what the term LED stands for if you want to understand how LED lighting works. By LED we mean Light Emitting Diode. When electricity passes through it, which is a semiconductor, it lights up. It will make you surprised to know that LED has actually been around in different everyday objects in one form or another. In the remote control device, digital watches and clocks, it is used. The images in many modern television sets are also produced with the help of LEDs bundled together. LED light bulbs are also used as LED aviation obstruction lights in Kolkata Airport.
How A Light Emitting Diode Really Works
The use of incandescent bulb is still there in some areas. There is a coiled filament, which heats up, glows and provides light when electricity passed through it. You perhaps remember seeing the coil glowing in the clear light bulbs. These lights have a problem. These are not very eco-friendly and also had limited working time. The light produced by the LED light bulbs is much brighter and the life of an LED light bulb is much longer than an incandescent bulb.
One of the simplest forms of semiconductor is a diode, which has the ability to transform varying degrees of electric current in light. Aluminium gallium arsenide, a semiconductor that has been doped, is used in LED lights. The process in which impurities are added to a material making it more conductive is known as doping. When treated, extra electrons are added to aluminium gallium arsenide, which is a poor conductor when in a pure state. The diode is constructed in a LED light to throw the light outwards and this is enhanced by the plastic housing that produces enough illumination to see by.
Benefits Of LED Light Bulbs
There are many reasons why LED light bulbs are better than incandescent ones. For this reason, LED aviation obstruction lights are widely used in India. There is less problem with disposal and recycling as they last longer. LEDs are cool to touch and this translates into less wasted energy whereas incandescent bulbs produce most of their energy from heat. You will get more energy efficiency from LED light bulbs.